PowerGrowth® TE: Specialized Personalized Hair Treatment

Innovative, 100% personalized and with results
Caso de um antes e depois de uma paciente após ter realizado um tratamento capilar especializado na MediCapilar

O que é o PowerGrowth® TE?

At PowerGrowth® TE, you will find a solution for various types of Alopecia and hair pathologies.
It is an exclusive MediCapilar treatment, which aims to provide a response adapted to the unique needs of unusual diagnoses that require a specialized therapeutic plan. This hair treatment aims not only to improve aesthetics, but also the patient’s well-being and hair health.

What is the PowerGrowth® TE procedure?

The advantage of PowerGrowth® TE is the versatility of possible treatments and personalization for each patient. A consultation is carried out for diagnosis and additional tests. A treatment plan is then presented to the patient, which may include:

Analises Clinicas

Carrying out clinical analyses

Biopsia Couro Cabeludo

Scalp biopsy performance

Medicacao Oral

Oral Medication

Medicacao Topica

Topical medication

Medicacao Injetavel

Injectable medication

What are the main advantages of PowerGrowth® TE?

– Boosts and accelerates tissue regeneration.

– Enhances the maximum quality of the follicle while it is still alive.

– Completely personalized to the patient’s pathology, which allows for a faster and more effective treatment plan.

– Increases the regeneration of hair follicles and boosts their growth.

Other issues that can be improved with PowerGrowth® TE

– Prevention and regeneration of the hair miniaturization process (weakening of follicles) ensuring greater density and healthy growth of follicles;

– With this type of treatment, we can respond to the different types of hair problems resulting from the various phases of hormonal problems, such as hair loss;

– It arises as a response to a type of hair pathologies that contribute to patient discomfort and in whose treatment MediCapilar is a pioneer.

Success Stories

“Today I am proud to look at myself in the mirror.”
Diana Patrícia Costa
Treatment: PowerGrowth® TE

She felt comfortable and confident about her appearance again.
Adília Moreira
Treatment: PowerGrowth® TE

Testimonial from someone who has already completed PowerGrowth® TE

Diana Patrícia Costa

Santo Tirso

“I had my mirrors at home covered with towels, because it was really hard for me to look at myself in the mirror.”

Diana Patrícia Costa used MediCapilar’s exclusive PowerGrowth® TE because as a child she was diagnosed with alopecia areata and wanted to feel comfortable and confident about her appearance.

PowerGrowth® TE FAQs

Is an assessment necessary before starting PowerGrowth® TE?

PowerGrowth® TE is a 100% personalized treatment, which means that, first of all, a Hair Assessment is carried out, where each case will be carefully analyzed and only then will it be decided whether or not it will be applied, and under what conditions.

What type of hair problems is this treatment indicated for?

Recommended for those suffering from hair loss or alopécia, also called baldness.

How often do I need this hair treatment to work?

The frequency of applications varies and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis, as this treatment is applied to different pathologies.

How much does a PowerGrowth® TE cost?

We are happy to welcome you for a consultation, to understand the pathology of your clinical case and to advise on the best course of treatment just for you. Given this variation from case to case, there is no fixed price and only our specialist will be able to respond in consultation, after the assessment.

Still have questions?

Clarify all your doubts in person, book your appointment now Free Hair Assessment at a location near you.

Hair problems related to PowerGrowth® TE

Find out which hair problems que o PowerGrowth® TE can help treat. Don’t wait to renew your confidence.

Find out which hair problems PowerGrowth® TE can help treat. Don’t wait to renew your confidence

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