PowerGrowth® P

Reduce hair loss while stimulating new hair growth.
PRP Capilar

What is PowerGrowth® P?

PowerGrowth® P is an effective treatment that responds to various types of pathologies, including baldness. Its composition is rich in growth factors that interact with each other, promoting healing and regeneration of the scalp.


It can be administered as a complement to hair transplantation, in the following months, stimulating angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels), thus helping to maximize the survival of the transplanted follicles and strengthen the existing ones.

How does the PowerGrowth® P treatment work?

PowerGrowth® P is a treatment that uses blood plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood. In addition, it is a step-by-step process. They are:

PRP - coleta sangue


Extraction of a small amount of blood from the patient himself;

PRP - Injecao


Platelet-rich plasma is injected directly into the scalp.

PRP - centrifugacao sangue


Centrifugation of blood to separate plasma and platelets from the rest of the composition;



Platelet-poor plasma is distributed throughout the scalp to provide hydration, regeneration and healing of the scalp after treatment.

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Extraction of platelet-rich plasma;

What are the advantages of PowerGrowth® P?

Boosts and accelerates tissue regeneration.


It increases the regeneration of hair follicles and boosts their growth.


– O PowerGrowth® P – Platelet Rich Plasma can be used in patients who have already undergone Transplante Capilar as it accelerates healing, promotes accelerated growth after transplantation and has been scientifically proven to reduce telogen effluvium (hair loss present after transplantation).


– Patients who have not undergone transplant surgery can also enjoy the benefits of PowerGrowth® P, as it is a treatment that regenerates the scalp, prevents hair loss, thickens the hair, accelerates growth and provides better quality and follicular quantification on the scalp.

Hair Problems That Can Be Treated

– Prevention and regeneration of the hair miniaturization process (weakening of follicles) ensuring greater density and healthy growth of follicles;


– With this type of treatment, we can respond to the different types of hair problems resulting from the various phases of hormonal problems;


– It arises as a response to types of hair pathologies that contribute to patient discomfort.

PowerGrowth® P FAQs

Is an assessment necessary before starting treatment?

PowerGrowth® P is a treatment, which means that, first of all, a Hair Assessment is required, where each case will be carefully analyzed and, only then, it will be decided whether or not it will be applied, and under what conditions.

Is there a possibility of rejection through PowerGrowth® P?

The great advantage of this treatment is that there is no risk of rejection, as the patient’s own plasma is used to carry out the hair regeneration process.

How many sessions are needed to see results with PowerGrowth® P?

The frequency of applications varies and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis, but as a rule, 4 sessions are carried out over a period of 6 months, after which the first results of this hair treatment can be seen.

How much does PowerGrowth® P cost?

We are happy to welcome you for a consultation, to understand the pathology of your clinical case and advise on the best course of treatment just for you. Given this variation from case to case, there is no fixed price and only our specialist will be able to respond in the consultation, after the assessment.

Still have questions?

Clarify all your doubts in person, book your Free Hair Assessment now at a location near you.

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