Exclusive Hair Treatment Program

What is the Exclusive Hair Treatment Program?

Just like our face, our hair is also part of our identity. Therefore, it also deserves our dedication and it is essential to act in order to prevent potential hair problems. The main objective of this program is to treat hair loss or other hair problems at the root, either to give more density or strengthen the hair strands, thus providing definitive and long-lasting solutions. This program aims not only to improve aesthetics, but also the well-being and hair health of the patient.

Advantages of PowerGrowth®

In the Baldness Process – Restores hair density; – Prevents follicular loss and subsequent onset of baldness; – Stimulates hair growth and strengthening; – Slows down the effects of baldness.

After Hair Transplant – Accelerates the healing process; – Stimulates follicular regeneration and the production of healthy hair; – Improves the viability of transplanted follicles; – Provides a faster de-inflammation process, a better and faster aesthetic result; – Revitalizes the scalp.

What is included in the PowerGrowth® program?

This program was developed based on our extensive experience, being an exclusive MediCapilar program that includes:


• Prior medical assessment and validation; • Scalp analysis and subsequent recommendation of all daily care to be taken; • Personalized treatment plan for each patient; • Medication prescription, if applicable; • Permanent monitoring by the clinical team; • Photographic record to monitor the progress of the treatment; • Follow-up consultation 12 months after treatment.

What sets our premium hair assessment apart?


Hair screening with dermatoscope


Genetic background of the patient


Assessment of degree of baldness: European Scale


Evolution of the state of baldness


Treatment plan and future care

Success Stories

See success stories from people who are satisfied with our exclusive PowerGrowth ® hair treatment program

Diana Patrícia Costa Alopécia Areata ou Nervosa

Adília MoreiraAlopécia Difusa

Diana TavaresAlopécia Androgenética

José GomesAlopécia Androgenética

Research and development center

MediCapilar is constantly at the forefront of scientific and technological developments thanks to the research and development carried out at the MediCapilar research center in Switzerland. This is possible thanks to the vast experience of Dr. Jean-Luc Levy, Dermatologist and Senior Director of Medical Research who began his career in the field of hair health in 1988, when he performed his first Hair Transplant.

Hair problems related to the PowerGrowth® program

Discover the hair problems that our exclusive program can help treat. Don’t wait to renew your confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the PowerGrowth® program grow new hair?

This program stops hair loss, prevents miniaturization and improves hair quality.

How much does the hair treatment program cost?

The price varies depending on the type of treatment and the number of sessions required to stop hair loss. We recommend booking your free hair assessment so that our team of experts can assess your situation and give you the best diagnosis.

Does the program complement the Hair Transplant procedure?

Yes, this treatment accelerates healing and hair growth and stimulates follicular regeneration.

Still have questions?

Clarify all your doubts in person, book your Free Hair Assessment now at a location near you.

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