Privacy Notice

The MediCapilar website uses cookies to ensure a better user experience and also third-party cookies, such as Google and Facebook, to measure and analyse traffic. These cookies may store some information that identifies a visitor to the site. Visitors can, however, configure their web browser not to accept cookies if they wish. In addition, web server logs may record visitor information such as browser, operating system, device including make, model and version, source of visit (referrer), date/time of access, IP address, Internet service provider and geographical area of access. This information is used for statistical purposes and to improve the experience of using the site. More detailed information follows.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer when you visit a website. These files are widely used to make the website work correctly and efficiently, as well as to provide information to the website owners.

There are two main categories of cookies:

  • Own cookies, used directly by us on your device.
  • Third-party cookies, used by third parties;

How are cookies used?

Visitors to this website use different computers and web browsers. To make your visits as simple as possible, a record is automatically kept of the type of browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome) and operating system (e.g. Windows, Macintosh) used and the domain name of your Internet service provider.

Why do we use cookies?

When you visit our websites, files called “cookies” may be placed on your computer.

The use of cookies aims to improve the performance of our websites and maximise your browsing experience, in particular by enabling faster and more efficient browsing, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

Managing Cookies

All browsers allow their users to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser.

Please note, however, that deactivating cookies may partially or totally affect your browsing experience on the Websites.

You can configure cookies in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser.

To find out more about cookies, visit where you can find information on how to manage your settings for the various browser providers.

– 4.1 External web services: we sometimes use external web services to display content within our pages. This helps us to understand and target more relevant advertising campaigns in the future. For example, to show images or videos or to carry out surveys. As with buttons for social networks, we cannot prevent the collection of information by these external websites or domains. If you need more information about our suppliers or how these cookies work, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected]

For more information on cookies and their use, we suggest you consult the following links:

Types of cookies on our websites

This website uses cookies that perform [NUMBER] functions [MediCapilar shall adapt the type of cookies according to the cookies used on its website, the type indicated below being merely an example], as mentioned below:

Strictly necessary cookies, essential for the functioning of the website.

Performance cookies, which help us measure the performance of the website and improve the user experience. Through the use of performance cookies, we do not store personal data, we only use the information collected through these cookies in an aggregated and anonymised form;

Functionality cookies, which allow us to improve the user experience (for example, by reminding you of all the settings you have previously defined);

Marketing/Segmentation cookies, which we use to track user activity and sessions so that we can provide a more personalised service.

Preference Cookies, these cookies allow websites to store information that changes the behaviour and appearance of the website, such as your preferred language or the region you are in. For example, by memorising your region, a website can provide you with local weather or traffic information. These cookies can also help you change the text size, font and other customisable parts of web pages. The loss of information stored in a preference cookie may make the website experience less functional, but should not prevent it from working.

Security Cookies are used to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of login credentials and protect data from unauthorised persons. For example, they make it possible to block many types of attack, such as attempts to steal the content of forms you fill in on web pages.

Process cookies, these cookies help the website to function and provide services that the website visitor expects, such as browsing web pages or accessing secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, the website cannot function properly.

Advertising Cookies, these cookies aim to make advertising more engaging for users and more valuable for publishers and advertisers. Some common applications of cookies are to select advertising based on what is relevant to the user, to improve reporting on campaign performance and to avoid showing adverts that the user has already seen.

Can the use of cookies be blocked?


Yes. If you do not want the website to store cookies, you can refuse or delete them at any time using your browser.


Please note that refusing to use the website’s cookies may partially or totally affect your browsing experience.

For more information on cookies and how to prevent them from being installed or how to delete existing ones on your devices, you can visit the following website:

You can find information about cookie control according to your internet browser at the following addresses:

Internet Explorer





Cookies that have been set in the past

MediCapilar may continue to use the information collected before setting the disabled cookie preference, even if MediCapilar no longer uses the disabled cookie to collect further information.


By accepting the use of cookies, we consider that the user accepts the use of cookies for the purposes indicated and in accordance with the conditions contained on this page.

If, at any time, you wish to withdraw your consent to our Cookie Notice, you must delete the stored cookies by adjusting the corresponding options found in the “Tools” menu of your browser.

Changes to the Cookie Notice

MediCapilar reserves the right, at any time, without prior notice and with immediate effect, to change, add, update or delete, in whole or in part, this information on cookies.

Accordingly, from time to time, this Cookie Notice will be updated to reflect changes in our practices and services. When we publish changes to our Cookie Notice, we will revise the “Last updated” date at the top of this Cookie Notice. We recommend that you check our website periodically so that you can be informed of any changes to the Cookie Notice or any other Notice.

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